Sharpoint Monoderm Sutures – Absorbable (Box of 12)
This synthetic absorbable monofilament has excellent pliability and handling characteristics. At 7 days it retains 42 - 76% tensile strength, 36 - 52% at 14 days and is essentially absorbed at 90 days. These characteristics make it very popular for subcuticular closure and soft tissue approximation. Available in undyed/clear or violet.
Undyed (clear)
Dyed (violet)
In Vivo Strength Retention:
42-76% at 7 days
36-52% at 14 days
Mass Absorption:
Essentially complete by 90 days
Sharpoint Monoderm Sutures - Absorbable, Undyed, Monofilament, Box of 12.
Y492N – Monoderm, Undyed, 6-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 13mm, 3/8 Circle
Y493N – Monoderm, Undyed, 5-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 13mm, 3/8 Circle
Y494N – Monoderm, Undyed, 4-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 13mm, 3/8 Circle
Y495N – Monoderm, Undyed, 5-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 19mm, 3/8 Circle
Y496N – Monoderm, Undyed, 4-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 19mm, 3/8 Circle
Y497N – Monoderm, Undyed, 3-0, 18″/45cm, Precision Reverse Cutting, 19mm, 3/8 Circle